Hi there! If you're here you are either lost or interested in testing my new two player abstract strategy game whose working title is Claym. Or if you are very lucky, you are both lost and interested in playing? Congrats on being lost in exactly the right place.
Claym plays a bit like Chess. And a bit like Starcraft. And a bit like Nine Men's Morris (aka "Mills"), League of Legends (and other MOBAs), Go, GIPF games, and Hearthstone. Mostly it plays like Claym. The game rewards clever and audacious play and punishes overextension and recklessness abandon.
The game has no luck components; it is fully deterministic. This means that a new player will generally lose pretty badly to an experienced player (just like Chess or Go), though there are mechanisms to handicap imbalanced players (just like Chess or Go).
If you are still (or newly) interested, here you go: